Polio all Transit 2020 Ride to End Polio
SAVE the DATE - Friday 23 October Polio All Transit 2020 Ride to End Polio
SAVE the DATE - Friday 23 October Polio All Transit 2020 Ride to End Polio
INVITATION: Rotarians & Rotary Clubs return bigger, better, bolder to ride and/or gather at 40 odd train stations and several ferry terminals

WHAT: Ride a Train or Ferry to End Polio stopping over at 40 odd stations on the Auckland Rail network and selected Ferry terminals

WHEN Friday 23 October

CONTACT: Ron Seeto
Ron Seeto B Arch(Hons) ANZIA Registered Architect
D9920 End Polio Coordinator
Governor 2012-2013 District 9920 
President Rotary Club of Newmarket 2006-2007 
Blog : http://ronseetorotarian.wordpress.com
T +64 9 579 8018                          M +64 27 4593 282

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