Women in Rotary
Rotary provides ordinary women the opportunity to do extraordinary things. Working together with like-minded women and men they expand and build on existing strengths with the benefits of diversity to improve the lives of individuals and communities in a way consistent with the RI Strategic Plan.
Women have always had an influence in Rotary right from the contribution of Jean Thompson, Rotary's Founder Paul Harris's wife, who is often stated as being "the power behind the Rotary 'throne' ".
2019 marks 30 years since Rotary International formerly enabled women to join Rotary as Rotarians. Since then the direct contribution of women in Rotary has soared and is today pronounced.
The work that Rotary women throughout NZ and the Pacific do publicly and behind the scenes is amazing. Women are both the "movers and shakers" in our clubs but also very well represented in leadership positions within clubs, Districts and beyond throughout New Zealand and the Pacific.
So, what motivates everyday women to make such a difference — to positively change the lives of people in their own community and in others around the world?
Some profiles of women in the Rotary
Karen Stade
Beryl Robinson
Barbara Whitton
Pauline Evans
Claire McCall
Joyti Singh
Leole Malama-Prasad
Theresa Schwärzler
Georgina Richards
Fay Norman
Hannah Stoddart
Elizabeth Arrowsmith
Coral Aitchison