ProjectOne - Member Dashboard

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    Project Overview

    Click on Document link below to download

    This project is about answering how a Club ‘life’ app, can be made available to Clubs in the new Flectra


    Clubs that have seen other Club apps that have simple DASHBOARDS (such as golf Clubs etc.) are

    asking for a DASHBOARD app to be made available.

    From feedback essentially the requirements are:

    1. A DASHBOARD VIEW – My ... (Club news, causes (donations and volunteering), fees, event

    tickets, tasks...)

    2. Meeting duties

    3. Communications with others

    4. Reminders by txt message!

    The project to do that has been scoped and costed.

    Subject to funding, the timetable for release of the first version is for February 2023.

    The next section has a preliminary concept for design and development.